NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: Windows Update Kit Number Seven DOCUMENT ID: TID000439 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 01JUL93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: WINUP7.EXE Novell Product and Version NetWare Client for DOS/Windows ABSTRACT: This file contains updated Windows client files. This file includes the NetWare Driver Set v2.02 for Windows 3.0 and 3.1 and related files. Support for IPX/SPX under Windows 3.0 and 3.1 is included as well as VPICDA.386 for Windows 3.0 interrupt conflicts. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ Self-Extracting File Name: WINUP7.EXE ----------------------------------------------- Files Included Size Date Time ----------------------------------------------- WINUP7.TXT (This File) NETWARE.DRV 126144 10-27-92 7:38a NWPOPUP.EXE 4208 10-28-92 10:32a VIPX.386 24362 9-04-92 1:01p VNETWARE.386 10093 10-19-92 3:55p TBMI2.COM 17999 12-04-91 2:46p NWIPXSPX.DLL 30016 10-31-92 12:53a TBMI.COM 17089 7-10-91 12:27a VPICDA.386 11063 1-30-91 10:58a TASKID.COM 2623 12-19-90 3:48p NETAPI.DLL 7168 6-24-91 11:05a NWNETAPI.DLL 106047 1-23-92 4:36p NWPSERV.DLL 11616 8-02-91 1:22a BINDFIX.EXE 63297 2-12-91 2:10p NETWARE.HLP 34348 2-12-92 3:12p ----------------------------------------------- WINUP7.EXE/binary Contains updated Windows client files. This file includes the NetWare Driver Set v2.02 for Windows 3.0 and 3.1 and related files. Support for IPX/SPX under Windows 3.0 and 3.1 is included as well as VPICDA.386 for Windows 3.0 interrupt conflicts. Version of the files included in WINUP7.EXE: BINDFIX.EXE: v3.52 NETAPI.DLL: v1.3D NETWARE.DRV: v2.02 (021026) NWIPXSPX.DLL: v1.32 NWNETAPI.DLL: v1.30 NWPOPUP.EXE: v2.02 (021027) NWPSERV.DLL: v1.22 NWSAP.DLL: v1.22 TASKID.COM: Task Identification Program - v1.0 TBMI.COM: Task Switched Buffer Manager for IPX/SPX - v1.1 TBMI2.COM: Task Switched Buffer Manager for IPX/SPX - v2.1 VIPX.386: v1.13 (920903) VNETWARE.386: v1.06 (921015) VPICDA.386: v3.02 NetWare Pop-Up Menu - The Windows 3.1 NetWare driver provides an optional pop-up menu that allows you to perform most NetWare-related operations. To enable the pop-up menu, add a section to the NETWARE.INI file in the Windows directory (you might need to create this file) with the following lines: [Options] NetWareHotKey=1 This maps the pop-up menu to the F6 key. The menu has a button that allows you to change the hotkey to any of the twelve F-keys. .DLL files - These files are updated versions of the NetWare API dynamic link libraries (DLLs). These DLLs are used by applications. NWIPXSPX.DLL uses VIPX.386. A good rule of thumb to follow is to check your system to see if these files exist. If they do, and they are older than the DLLs on this diskette, update them with the files on this diskette. If not, they are not needed and do not need to be copied. If you do install an application which uses any of these DLLs, you can use these files to update the DLLs, provided these DLLs are newer than the ones shipped from the application vendor. TBMI2.COM - This file is for use with DOS v5.0 Task Swapper and Windows v3.1 only. For Windows v3.0, use TBMI.COM and TASKID.COM. Do not use TASKID with TBMI2.COM. TBMI and TBMI2 are intended for those users running programs which use the IPX or SPX communications protocols from the DOS prompt in Windows. If no DOS applications are being run which require IPX or SPX support, then neither of these programs should be run. To determine whether your application requires TBMI or TBMI2, follow these steps: o Load TBMI2.COM (or TBMI.COM for Windows 3.0). o Start Windows o Open a MS-DOS prompt o (for Windows 3.0, load TASKID.COM) o Start the DOS application in question o Run the application and then exit. o Display diagnostic information by typing the following: tbmi2 /d (for Windows 3.1) tbmi /d (for Windows 3.0) o If the value in the field named Far Call Usage is not 0, you need to run TBMI2.COM (or TBMI.COM for Windows 3.0). To get help with TBMI2.COM, type the following: tbmi2 /? The default configuration for TBMI2.COM is correct for most applications. For use with the MS-DOS 5.0 task swapper, this file is documented in the MS-DOS v5.0 README.TXT. VPICDA.386 - This Microsoft patch for Windows 3.0 is an enhanced mode virtualization file necessary when running a network card that uses interrupt (IRQ) 2, or IRQ 9 or higher. This file replaced the Windows supplied VPIC driver in the 386 Enhanced section of the SYSTEM.INI file. To install this driver, edit your SYSTEM.INI file: [386Enh] ;device=*vpicd (a semi-colon will comment out the line) device=vpicda.386 (copy this driver to your Windows 3.0) (subdirectory or System subdirectory) DO NOT USE VPICDA.386 WITH WINDOWS 3.1. BINDFIX.EXE - If you are running a version of BINDFIX shipped with NetWare version 2.11 or below, you need to update it with the BINDFIX.EXE on this diskette. For further information, see Novell Technical Bulletin 255 and 256, dated October 26,1989 and November 3, 1989, respectively. BINDFIX.EXE - If you are running a version of BINDFIX shipped with NetWare version 2.11 or below, you need to update it with the BINDFIX.EXE on this diskette. For further information, see Novell Technical Bulletin 255 and 256, dated October 26,1989 and November 3, 1989, respectively.